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Recycling Services in Franklin & Highlands Areas of Macon County, NC


 Recycling & Trash Services in Cashiers, Sapphire, Jackson County, ​NC Areas

     TNT Recycle can help you with all your recycling needs. We offer bi-weekly, weekly and twice a week residential & business pickup of recyclables. We have expanded services in Jackson County to include trash pick-up along with recycle pick-up with choices of weekly or twice a week schedules. Please see our Services pages for details on pricing and how to get started.

     We also offer to haul away unwanted items to recycle them back into the community. See our cleanup job description on any of the services pages 

Check us out and like us on Facebook at TNT Recycle! Get recycling news, tips and upcycling ideas. Follow the link by clicking on the blue box below.

VISIT Go Green Tips & Ideas page for going green sug​gestions 

TNT Recycle Inc Twitter Account



Going green recycle symbol


Do you, or someone you know,​ want to learn more about living an eco-friendly lifestyle? Want to save money? Try this 32-page eBook guide to show you how.  For only $4.99 you can download it to any device that supports a PDF file.


Contact us to get your copy today!


Tips for being eco-friendly with recycling
Here are some of the items that are recyclable!

The Earth is the Lord's, and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein" - Psalm 24:1

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